Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Movie Review: Inception

I was just clearing out some e-mails, and I came across my "review" for Inception. I put "review" in quotes, because it's more of a thought than actual review. I wasn't thrilled with it. It was cool, but something was lacking. I have absolutely no interest in ever seeing it again. It was too much/too fast and tried way too hard to "blow my mind" without really doing much.

I will say, however, that Cillian Murphy is the bomb (Wait, does anyone even say that anymore?), and I can't wait to see what he does next.

Anyhoo, my thoughts on Inception:

It was too confusing. Probably because I was folding a big basket of socks during most of the movie, and if I looked away I’d miss something important. There were too many levels to keep track. And showing the end at the beginning—I still don’t “get it.” I didn’t really care about the characters. I didn’t care about the why and I didn’t really feel anything for the guy they were messing with. And they kept Leo’s story so hidden, by the time we figured out what had happened, it wasn’t that shocking.

I’d say it was a good movie, but definitely not one I’d watch again. 

I'll give this movie 10 points on the Cillian-Murphy-was-in-this-movie-so-I-had-to-watch-it scale.

And also 5 points on the At-least-Leo-looks-his-age-unlike-Michael-J.-Fox scale.